La Sportiva ist auch dieses Jahr wieder mit der Climb in Gym Tour in Europas Kletterhallen unterwegs. Am Mi 22. März habt ihr ab 17:30 Uhr bei uns in der Boulderwelt München Ost die Möglichkeit die bewährten und neuesten Modell auszuprobieren. Einfach vorbeikommen, rein in die Schuhe und unter realen Bedingungen an unseren Kletterwände begutachten. Vielleicht findet Ihr ja pünkltich zum Start der Draußen-Saison Euren neuen Lieblingsschuh für 2017!
„Climbing Walls are the starting point of a normal climber. Everything starts from there. It’s the simulation of the reality that there’s outside and the place where future climbers are imprinted with the first educational steps of what they are going to find outdoor.
This is why La Sportiva will offer to all the climbing lovers 61 opportunities for testing the latest new products from the La Sportiva world, starting form the new S-Heel technology climbing shoes “Kataki”, the versatile and high performance shoe designed for outdoor use at the crag, together with its “older sisters” Skwama and Otaki and the well known No-Edge line with its models Futura and Genius.
A special mention goes to the new entry for 2017 dedicated to young climbers and beginners, Maverink: this climbing shoe with No-Edge technology is particularly suitable to enhance sensitivity on holds, is fully customizable in eastethics through the markers included in packaging.“